Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Day 2010: ANC 3F Results

UPDATED: Only one race was contested in ANC 3F.  As of Wednesday, November 3 at 12:56 a.m., the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics has released the following unofficial election night results:

ANC 3F01
Adam Tope 50.49%
Michael Siegel 47.56%
Write-In 1.95%

ANC 3F02
Karen Lee Perry 97.24%
Write-In 2.76%

ANC 3F03
Karen Beiley 95.54%
Write-In 4.46%

ANC 3F04
Tom Whitley 94.05%
Write-In 5.95%

ANC 3F05
Roman Jankowski 94.14%
Write-In 5.86%

ANC 3F06
Cathy Wiss 94.04%
Write-In 5.96%

ANC 3F07
Bob Summersgill 96.88%
Write-In 3.12%

We'll update the results as more information is released.  In the meantime, you can follow all D.C. election results here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for covering this! This is such helpful information
